Title of Paper in English |
(Only for Japanese authors)
Name of Presenter in English (First -> Last)
発表者(日本語: Only for Japanese) |
Affiliation of Presenter in English
発表者の所属(日本語: Only for Japanese) |
Comma separated Co-authors in English (Affiliation) |
共著者 (所属) カンマ区切り (日本語: Only for Japanese) |
Contact Address
電子メールアドレス |
Preference of Session Type
発表セッションの希望 |
Poster (ポスタ)
Either (どちらでもよい)
Lecture (講演)
Equipments for demonstration
デモ用機材の希望(日本語可) |
I transfer the copyright of the paper for this convention to
AES Japan section.
今回投稿する論文の著作権の AES日本支部への移譲 |
Abstract (60- to 120-word)
概要 (150文字以内) 日本語可 |
Précis (500- to 750-word)
要旨 (400〜800文字) 日本語可
The précis must clearly describe the work performed, methods employed,
and significance of the paper with respect to other published work in
the field.